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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Vaginal cytology and progesterone profile in bitches during induced oestrous cycle
    (Department of Animal Reproduction, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 2000) Bibin Becha, B; KAU; Aravinda Ghosh, K N
    The detailed vaginal cytology and serum progesterone levels were studied in bitches during normal and induced oestrous cycles. Twelve anoestrus bitches aged 2 to 5 years were randomly allotted to two equal groups (Group A and Group B). Animals in Group A were initially treated with a sustained release preparation of leuprolide acetate at a dose rate of 100 ug/kg body weight followed by gonadorelin (synthetic GnRH analogue) at a dose rate of 3 ug/kg body weight on the first day of induced oestrus. The Group B animals were administered with diethylstilbestrol at a dose rate of 0.2 mg/kg body weight orally for nine consecutive days. Six bitches in natural proestrus acted as controls (Group C). All animals in Group A, 66.7 per cent animals in Group B exhibited oestrus at a mean of 12.67 and 15.25 days respectively from the first day of treatment. There was significant difference in time taken for onset of oestrus between treatment groups. The duration of proestral bleeding was 6.67, 8.50 and 8.67 days and duration of oestrus was 8.0, 7.75 and 8.0 days in Group A, Group B and Group C respecti vel y. A conception rate of 83.3, 50 and 83.3 per cent with a mean litter size of 5.6, 6.0 and 5.6 was obtained in Group A, Group B and Group C respectively. There was significant difference in conception rate between treatment groups, however, no significant difference in litter size was observed. The detailed vaginal cytology during normal and induced oestrous cycle was studied usmg Wright's, Wright-Giemsa's, modified Shorrs and Papanicolaou's staining and cellular indices like Superficial cell index (SCl), Eosinophilic index (El) and Kariopyknotic index (KPl) were derived. The SCl and El values were found to vary between pregnant and non-pregnant animals in ) all the groups, but no significant variation was observed in KPl values. Serum progesterone level was estimated during different stages of normal and induced oestrous cycles. Significantly higher progesterone levels were observed on the day of second mating in treatment groups (12.63 ng/ml in Group A and 12.25 ng/ml in Group B) as compared to control group (6.87 ng/ml). Serum progesterone levels were lower during oestrus and on the tenth day of second mating in all the non-pregnant animals as compared to pregnant animals. It is concluded that bitches in anoestrus could be induced to fertile oestrus using sustained release preparation of leuprolide acetate followed by gonadorelin with a higher induction and conception rate with normal litter size. Oral treatment with diethylstilbestrol is less effective for inducing oestrus.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of different freezing rates on canine spermatozoa
    (Department of Animal Reproduction, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 2000) Geetha, R; KAU; Sreekumaran, T
    The objective of the study was to find out the effect of different freezing rates on post thaw motility, livability and acrosomal damage of dog spermatozoa. A total of 36 ejaculates of good quality collected from SIX Dachshund dogs by digital manipulation were processed for freezing in Tris citric acid fructose egg yolk diluent containing four per cent glycerol. The processed semen samples were subjected to three different freezing protocols such as 4cm height above the liquid nitrogen level for 10 minutes (Fast freezing), Scm for 15 minutes (Moderate freezing) and 12cm for 20 minutes (Slow freezing). The mean volume of sperm rich fractions was 0.6S±0.03ml. The colour and consistency of sperm rich fractions were thin milky. The mean density of sperm rich fraction was DD(D) and mean pH was 6.63±O.02. The mean concentration of sperm rich fraction was 221±7.36 millions per ml and the average initial motility was found to be 75±O.93 per cent. The mean percentage of live sperm count, sperm abnormalities and acrosomal damage of spermatozoa was Sl.17±O.73, 5.23±O.29 and 2.32±O.25 respectively. Significant (Pabnormalities and acrosomal damage of spermatozoa was found between dogs. The average percentage of motility, live sperm count, sperm abnormalities and acrosomal damage of spermatozoa was 70.41± 1.22, 75.63±O.65, 7.28±0.43 and 5.34±O.31 after dilution, 58.75±1.34, 63.60±O.89, 10.04±O.32 and 10.13±0.41 after chilling and 47.78±1.59, 50.65±1.31, 11.79±O.36 and 16.20±O.57 after equilibration period respectively. There was significant (Preduction in sperm motility and livability and increase in sperm abnormalities and acrosomal damage of spermatozoa after dilution, chilling and equilibration period. Significant (Pwas found between dogs for the above parameters. The percentage of post thaw motility of spermatozoa was significantly (Pwhen compared to moderate (25.83±1.66) and slow (24.44±1.27) freezing rates. There was significantly (Pof live sperms and lower percentage of sperm abnormalities in fast freezing rate than in moderate and slow freezing rates. Eventhough the percentage of acrosomal damage was not statistically ( significant among fast, moderate and slow freezing rates, lower percentage of acrosomal damage was recorded in fast freezing rate. From this study it could be inferred that fast freezing in which the straws were frozen at to 4cm height above the liquid nitrogen level for 10 minutes was superior to moderate (8cm for 15 minutes) and slow (12 cm for 20 minutes) freezing rates.