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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Comparative studies on the fixation of nitrogen by certain common legumes
    (Division of Agronomy, Agricultural college & reseach institute Vellayani, Trivandrum, 1963) Rose, H L; KAU; Madhavan Nair, K
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on the effect of fertilizers on the growth, yield and quality of oil of citronellla
    (Division of Agronomy, Agriculture college and research institute Vellayani , Trivandrum, 1966) Ravindranathan Pillay, G; KAU; Madhavan Nair, K
    The present investigation was undertaken at the agriculture college and research institute , Vellayani during 1964-66 to study the influence of fertilizers on growth yield and quality of oil in citronella.The effect of nutrients nitrogen and potach at three level each and phosphorus and calcium two levels each were studied in a mixed confounded factorial experimnt , in randomised Block design.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on the performance of five varieties of cowpea (Vigna sinencis Savi.) and their response to nitrogen and phosphate fertilization
    (Division of Agronomy, Agricultural college & reseach institute Vellayani, Trivandrum, 1966) Ravindran Nair, R; KAU; George, C M
    A field experiment was laid out in the farm attached to the agricultural college and research , Vellayani, during 1965-66 to study the effect of nitrogen and phosphate fertilization on five varieties of cowpea and to determine the best variety, suited to the local conditions . The varieties tried were , new era, M.S .9314, African, C4 and the local. The fertilizer treatments comprised two levels of nitrogen , vis, 0,30,60 and 90 kg./ha.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of irrigation frequencies and mulches on the yield of summer cholam (Sorghum vulgare Pers.)
    (Regional Post Graduate Training Centre, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Coimbatore, 1963) Abraham Jacob, T; KAU; Mariakulandai, A
    An experiment was conducted to find out the relative efficiency of three different moisture regimes, due to irrigation frequencies, at seven, fourteen and twenty one days, and three types of mulching viz., dust, trash and polythene mulches. The modifying effect of the mulches on soil conditions and crop growth was studied, to assess whether irrigation requirements could be reduced without deterioration in yield. The moisture regime had significantly increased the height of plants and length of earheads, while it had no influence on other yield attributes. Length of earhead, breadth of earhead and diameter of peduncle were significantly increased by the mulches.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of application of phosphate to legumes on the growth and yield of the succeeding ragi crop (Eleusine coracana)
    (Division of Agronomy, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Vellayani, 1964) Ittyaverah, P J; KAU; George, C M
    An investigation was carried out to study the response of three common leguminous green manure crops of this State viz. Seabania speciosa, Crotalaria juncea and Crotalaria striata to different doses of P2O5 and their comparative residual effect on the succeeding ragi crop. The experiment was laid out in the farm, attached to the Agricultural College and Research Institute, Vellayani. Phosphate was applied at three levels viz. 0,20 and 40 lb. per acre. This was applied directly to the ragi crop, and also indirectly through the preceeding green manure crops. A uniform basal dose of potash (40 lb. K2O per acre) was applied directly to ragi in all the treatments.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of lime and potash on the yield and quality of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea Linn) in the Red Loam soils of Kerala State
    (Division of Agronomy, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Vellayani, 1964) Veeraraghavan, P G; KAU; Madhavan Nair, K
    A trial was laid out in the Agricultural College Farm, Vellayani, to study the effect of graded doses of lime and potash over a basal dose 10 lb. N and 20 lb. P2O5 on the yield and quality attributes of TMV2 (bunchy type) groundnut. The soil in which the experiment was carried out, was a red loam characterised by very poor potash and lime status. Three levels of potash at 25 lb., 50 lb. and 75 lb. K2O alone per acre and in combination with three levels of lime at 0 lb., 750 lb. and 1500 lb. per acre, were the treatments adopted for the investigation.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Investigatins on turmeric in relation to N P K fertilization and rhizosphere bacterial population
    (Division of Agronomy, Agricultural College & Research Institute, Vellayani, 1964) Chellappan Nair, P K; KAU; Madhavan Nair, K
  • ThesisItemUnknown
    Effect of date of sowing and nitrogen fertilisation with micronutrients on the yield and quality of hybrid maize (Zea mays, L.)
    (Division of Agronomy, Agricultural College & Research Institute, Vellayani, 1965) Pushpangadan, K; KAU; George, C M
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Growth inhibition in onion (Allium cepa, L.) by radiation from monazite sand
    (Division of Agricultural Botany, Agricultural Botany, Agricultural College & Research Institute, Vellayani, 1963) Vijayan, P K; KAU