Saxena, RaviPrajapati, Sandhya2018-07-132018-07-132016-07 emerging energy demand is leading us to extract major portion of renewable for low carbon emission and environmental friendly approach. In renewable energy sources solar is widely exploited because of its free, infinite availability and versatile nature, and many solar project initiatives has been taken by government. With the usage the technical improvements also done in this field to make solar photovoltaic more efficient. As the temperature increment of the PV module leads to degrade the efficiency of the Solar PV and also affect its life span. To make the cooling system more robust, compact and cost effective air cooling is utilized with Arduino UNO controller and SD card adapter for data logging. In normal operating conditions the temperature of the PV module can reach up to 700C. So our objective is to analyze the power and efficiency decrement with increase in temperature for different radiations. The experiment is conducted in two phases. In phase 1 the effect of temperature on PV parameters is observed on 12Watt panel under artificial radiations. Then air cooling effects is observed for power increment. With the air cooling the temperature of the module decrease by 4.30C on average with temperature coefficient of -0.474%/0C the power increment is 2.03% of the panel output. In second phase the cooling system is designed for 150Watt panel for practical applications. To utilize the cooling system optimally cooling is done above 500C with aluminum heat sink for better power and efficiency of the module. The average temperature decrement achieved above 500C is between 2-40C, and the power increment accordingly is found to be 1.5% with the temperature coefficient of 0.5%/0C.ennullStudy of impact of temperature on PV module and design of cooling systemThesis