Arora, R.K.Tandon, Vinod K2017-08-292017-08-292001No. of references 123 present investigation on population dynamics and control of hoppers on mango were carried out in the mango orchard of Regional Horticulture Reasearch Station, Udheywalla, SKUAST, Jammu during the year 2000. The observations on seasonal abundance of hoppers from 1st January to 30th September, 2000 on different mango cultivars viz., Dashehari, Langra, Malda and Amarpalli were recorded at 10 days interval. Generally, in all the four cultivars, it was observed that the hoppers appeared by thr end of February as nymphs and their population increased subsequently, whereas the adult population started appearing from 10th of March. An increasing trend in the adult hopper population was observed with a peak during the month of April, which started declining in the subsequent months. Relative humidity and total rainfall were observed to have significantly and adversely affected the hopper population in all the four cultivars of mango. Simple correlation coefficients also indicated that the morning and evening relative humidity had negatively affected the population of hoppers besides the total rainfall. Though the effect of maximum temperature was positively correlated, yet it did not have any significant effect on the population of hoppers. Multiple correlation analysis also revealed that the combined effect of weather factors had influenced the hopper population to a maximum of 71.5 per cent (R<sup>2</sup> = 0.715) on Langra, with a maximum of 76.5 per cent (R<sup>2</sup> =0.765) on Dashehari. The susceptibility of different cultivars indicated that Malda and Langra were relatively less susceptible to mango hoppers as compared to Dashehari and Amarpalli. Two species of mango hoppers viz., Amritodus atkinsoni and Idioscopus clypealis were identified and were found to be prevalent in all the four cultivars. I. clypealis was observed to be in large numbers ranging between 69.83 to 84.97 per cent of the total adult hoppers collected from April to September, 2000. Six insecticides namely, endosulfan 35 EC, cartap hydrochloride 50 SP, lambda cyhalothrin 5 EC, neem 30 EC, carbaryl 50 WP and dimethoate 30 EC were evaluated for the control of hoppers on mango cv. Dashehari. It was observed that all the six insecticides were significant over control in reducing the hopper population. Dimethoate (0.03%) and carbaryl (0.10%) were most effective and at par in suppressing the pest infestation during all the three sprays conducted, followed by lambda cyhalothrin (0.004%), which also proved its significant during the course of its application. Cartap hydrochloride (0.05%) and endosulfan (0.05%) remained effective only upto 7th day of each insecticidal application, whereas neem (0.15%) proved to be least effective in obtaing adequate control of hopper population. It could be concluded that dimethoate 30 EC (0.03%), carbaryl 50 WP (0.10%) and lambda cyhalothrin 5 EC (0.004%) could be recommended for the control of hoppers on Mango.ennullPOPULATION DYNAMICS AND CONTROL OF HOPPERS ON MANGO (MANGIFERA INDICA L.)Thesis