Dr. G. N. PatelAnuradha Narala2017-10-032017-10-032006http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810032019The present investigation was undertaken with a view to study the factors influencing pesticide use at farm level in cotton cultivation, input use pattern and IPM practices followed by cotton farmers, impact of adoption of IPM technology for cotton and problems faced by farmers in adopting IPM technology. A sample of 120 cotton growers were randomly selected from 6 selected villages of Vadodara district, comprised of 60 IPM farmers and 60 Non-IPM farmers. The study pertains to the agricultural year 2003-04enAgricultural EconomicsAnalysisAN ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT (IPM) TECHNOLOGY IN COTTON PRODUCTION IN VADODARA DISTRICT OF GUJARATThesis