HALiKATTI, S. I.SANGAPPA, V. PATIL2017-07-012017-07-012011-06-02Th-10086http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810023927Field experiments were conducted at Ag ricultural Research Station, An nigeri, UAS, Dharwad during rabiseasons of 2 0 0 9 -1 0 and 2010-11 in a fixer! site to exp lore the nutrient management options in organic cultivation of chickpea. In the experiment on nutrient management studies, app lication of nitrogen equivalen t .o 100 p er cent recommendeddose withen riched compost + vermicompost + g ly ricid ia green leaf manure inequal proportions (O M 2) recorded significantly higher grain yield (2 147 k g / ha) over other organic manures. Spraying of panchagavya @ 3 p er cent (L M i) at flower initiation and 15 days after flowering recorded significantly higher grain yield (2189 kg /ha ) over other liq uid organic ma'nures excep t 10 percent cowurine spray (2114 kg /ha). The combined application of 100 percent recommend ed dose of N with O M 2 and foliar spray of pan chag avya @ 3 per cent at flower initiation and 15 days after flower i n grecord ed significantly higher g rain yield (2 400 kg/ha) over control (water spray) an dre commended dose of fertilizers. Significantly higher B :C ratio w as recorded with O M 2 (3 .3 4 ), panchagavya spray of 3 percent (3.31) am ongliquid organic manures while the combined effect of O M 2L M | (3.69). The growth and yield attributing parameters , number of root nodules, and d rymatter production and its partitioning followed similar trend as that of grain yield. In the experiment on phosphorus management, significantly higher g rain yield (2140 kg /ha) was reco rded with applic ation of 200 kg rock phosphate per hectare over other low e rlevels excep t 150 k g R P 3 (2 0 6 9 kg/ha). Interaction o f co m post @ 5 tons per hectarewith 2 0 0 kg per ha rock phospha tereco rd ed significantly higher grin yield (2130 kg /h ). Higher B :C ratio was recorded with application of 200 kg per ha rock phosphate (3.32) a swell as interaction of compost @ 5 to n s/h a with 200 k g per ha rock phosphate (3.36) over control. The integ rated use of various so urces of organic manures with rock phosph ate in chickpeaim proved soil physical, chemical and biological properties and available N P K status .ennullRESPONSE OF CHICKPEA (Cicerarietinumh) TO VARIOUS ORGANICS IN VERTISOLS OF NORTHERN DRY ZONE OF KARNATAKAThesis