Dr. K. N. WadhwaniRushabh P. Patel2020-06-232020-06-232018http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810147884The present experiment was conducted to study the performance of indigenous sheep under water deprivation and rehydration in middle Gujarat agro climatic condition during summer season (1st May to 13th June) at Livestock farm complex, Department of Livestock production and management, College of Veterinary science and Animal Husbandry, Anand Agricultural University, Anand, Gujarat. The study was conducted on 18 adults (25-30 kg) farm born unshorn female Patanwadi and Marwari sheep of Livestock farm complex, Veterinary College, Anand. The experimental animals were maintained on ICAR feeding standard (1998). The pelleted concentrate mixture (Amul Dan) was offered as per the requirement for DCP and TDN of animals and the wheat straw was offered ad lib throughout the day. The experimental animals were divided in to three treatment groups based on body weight comprising of six animals in each treatment viz. T1: Control (ad lib water), T2: (WR1- 12 hrs watering interval), T3: (WR2-24 hrs watering interval).en-USnullPERFORMANCE OF INDIGENOUS SHEEP UNDER WATER DEPRIVATION AND REHYDRATIONThesis