Prasanna, K TSONIA, B S2016-12-082016-12-0840763TH-10105 seed samples were collected from germplasm collection present in GKVK, Bengaluru. Seed yield of 20 accessions ranged from 51 to 457.5 g, oil content ranged from 21 to 40 per cent and phorbol esters were found using HPLC which ranged from 0.02-3.97mg/g. Out of 20 accessions, 6 contained phorbol esters less than 0.1mg/g, which is considered as non-toxic accessions. Both toxic and non-toxic accession of Jatropha curcas were found in southern Karnataka. Different treatments were given to detoxify the oil which contained the highest amount of phorbol ester (3.08 mg/g) out of which methanol treated sample gave the best result (1.44 mg/g). The untreated oilcake contained highest amount of phorbol esters (3.07 mg/g). This was reduced by different treatments and among them oilcake treated with hydrochloric acid was found to be the best (0.09 mg/g) treatment along with sodium hydroxide followed by 92 per cent methanol wash in reducing phorbol ester levels. Biodiesel also contained highest amount of phorbol esters which was higher than oil and oilcake (5.38 mg/g) which was reduced by bleaching (2.39 mg/g). The chemical composition of the oilcake after different treatments was analysed to know the nutritive value. Detoxification of oilcake was done to see that it could be used as a supplementary feed stock for animals and also as protein supplement in human diet. Though there was success in detoxification of cake to a great extent, further refinement is needed.enQUANTIFICATION OF PHORBOL ESTERS IN JATROPHA SEEDS, OILCAKE, BIODIESEL AND METHODS TO AMELIORATE TOXICITY LEVELSThesis