SUBRAHMANYESWARI, B (MAJOR)TRIVENI, GASHA LATHA, PMURALIDHAR, MBHARGAV KUMAR, KALLURU2020-07-072020-07-072019-10 sector has emerged as the one of the most important components of agriculture and allied areas in India. Among the various livestock species, piggery is the most potential source of meat production and more efficient feed converter after broiler. Pig farming is mostly concentrated in Northern and North-eastern parts of India as compared to Southern India. Until recently, pig farming is taken up mostly as a traditional caste occupation and also by the socio-economically weaker sections of the society which might be due to various religious taboos and beliefs. However, due to various extension and technological interventions, many inquisitive people are coming forward to take up commercial pig farming as a livelihood. Field veterinarians, the middle level extension professionals involved in the service delivery system of livestock farming community, can promote pig farming among various population sectors and aid in the development of piggery and quality production. In order to promote pig farming and also to update and refresh the knowledge of field veterinarians of SDAH a study has been planned entitled as “DEVELOPMENT OF MOBILE APP ON PIG FARMING AND ITS ASSESSMENT AMONG FIELD VETERINARIANS OF ANDHRA PRADESH” A quasi experimental and ex-post-facto research design were adopted for the present study. The present study was conducted among 91 field veterinarians working in SDAH of Andhra Pradesh were selected purposively through stratified random sampling method. The data were collected through well designed questionnaire using both electronic and printed versions and the findings were coded, tabulated, analysed and interpreted. Majority of the field veterinarians belonged to middle age and were male. Nearly half of the veterinarians were with B.V.Sc & A.H. qualification and more than three fourth of them were working as VAS. Majority of them had rural background and had school education in public schools. Nearly two third of the veterinarians had medium level of work experience. Majority of the field veterinarians didn’t undergo any training either in ICTs or Piggery. Most of the field veterinarians had membership in WhatsApp and were utilizing mobile regularly for professional communication. Majority of the field veterinarians felt that information needs on pig farming was important in all aspects. About 95.60 per cent of the veterinarians opined that breeding management, feeding management, ration formulation, project report making and marketing information were the important information needs followed by breeds (94.51%), health care & preventive measures (92.31%) and housing management (91.21%). Online android mobile application was developed covering all the areas of pig farming, on the name of PIG MASTER. Majority of the field veterinarians expressed that the developed application was with most relevant content, with very precise content, very simple to understand, having very good visual quality, was more credible, was effective in arousal of curiosity, with high information coverage about pig farming and with higher user friendliness. Majority of the field veterinarians were expressed that the developed application is with very helpful information, having high perceived utility and helpful in decision making about pig farming.ennullDEVELOPMENT OF MOBILE APP ON PIG FARMING AND ITS ASSESSMENT AMONG FIELD VETERINARIANS OF ANDHRA PRADESHThesis