Lija, SEswari, SLeela, VVijayarani, KTANUVAS2020-07-222020-07-222018 15073_2018The present study was conducted to trans-differentiate the mesenchymal stem cells derived from ovine umbilical cord tissue wharton’s jelly into neuronal stem cells in order to characterize their neurogenic potential in vitro and to assess the secretome BDNF in mesenchymal stem cells, induced neuronal stem cells and neuronal progenitor cells conditioned medium. Umbilical cords (UC) from ovine gravid uterus samples were collected from accidently slaughtered pregnant ewes from slaughter house, Chennai. Wharton's jelly (WJ) was extracted from UC and cut into fragments for mixed enzymatic-explant culture method, cultured in DMEM supplemented with 10 per cent FBS and 1 per cent antibiotic antimycotic solution and the isolated WJ MSCs were expanded in vitro upto passage 12.enVeterinary ScienceTRANS-DIFFERENTIATION OF OVINE WHARTON’S JELLY DERIVED MESENCHYMAL STEM CELLS INTO NEURONAL STEM CELLS AND THEIR CHARACTERIZATION IN VITRO FOR APPLICATION IN NEURODEGENERATIVE DISORDERSThesis