R.K.PandayRashmi Kandulna2024-07-132024-07-132001https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810211918Introduction of new farm technologies in agriculture have brought about an impressive increase in the production and productivity of crops, resulting in substantial increase in farm income and employment. It was however noticed that the majority of the farmers were still deprived of getting full advantage of these new innovations. Keeping this in view the present investigation was undertaken to study the impact of technological change on the economy of tribal and non-tribal farms in Khajri block of Ranchi district. Two villages namely Kharsidag and Dungri of this block were selected randomly for the study. A sufficient number of tribal and non-tribal populations were available in these selected villages. Various analytical techniques were used to achieve the objectives. The results obtained from the study revealed that paddy was the most important crop of the area constituted about more than 60% of the total cropped area on all size group of tribal and non-tribal farms. It was also revealed that the area devoted under wheat and vegetables and other crops were much higher on non-tribal farms as compared to tribal farms. It was observed that the cropping intensity was higher on all size group of non-tribal farms as compared to tribal farms. The results revealed that the level adoption of technology was higher on all size groups of non-tribal farms as compared to tribal farms. , it was varied from 42.51 to 59.95 percent in paddy, 28.36 to 42.39 percent in wheat and 41.34 to 55.63 percent in vegetable and on non tribal farms it was varied from 48.59 to 75.51 percent in paddy, 34.97 to 51.47 in wheat and 60.17 to 77.83 percent in vegetables. This indicated that the adoption of improved farm technology was much higher on non-tribal farms as compared to tribal farms. It was also found that the net return per farm where higher on all size group of non tribal farms as compared to tribal farm.The result showed that the benefit, : cost ratio was in the order of Rs. 2.10, 2.31 and 2.36 on various size group of tribal farms, whereas it was Rs.2.39,2.54 and 3.69 on non tribal farms respectively .Thus , the return per Rs investment was higher in all size group of non tribal farms,. The results indicated that the total employment of human labour per farm where 108.03,150.67 and 272.63 manday on marginal, small and medium size group of tribal farms, whereas it was 131.59,170.85 and 293.38 manday on non tribal farm respectively. Thus it was indicated that employment of human labour was more on all size group on non tribal farms as compared to tribal farm . It was indicated that the total bullock labour employment per farm whereas 68.77,.79.32 and 98.66 bullock days on marginal , small and medium size group if tribal farms, and on non tribal farms it was 77.44 ,88.32 and 108.09 days respectively. Thus it was revealed that employment of bullock labour was higher on all size group of non-tribal farms.EnglishImpact of New Farm Technology on The Economy Of Tribal And Non-Tribal Farms In Khijri Block of Ranchi DistrictThesis