RITA NARAYANANRAGHU, A.TANUVASMANGALA GOWRl, A.NITHYALAKSHMI, V.2024-01-022024-01-022022https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810205299Lifestyle changes has ushered in varying food habits and food products. The increasing awareness amongst consumers for functional food has paved the way for newer technology in food sector and demand for products that offer maximum health benefits. Extrusion technology is gaining popularity globally in food processing sector for enriching protein in pasta, spaghetti and noodles etc. These cold extruded products are optimal carriers for functional ingredients like antioxidants thereby catering to the health of consumers. Increase in consumer demand for natural products with no chemical additives and dyes has necessitated the need to exploit food colourants of natural origin. Present investigations were carried out to use anthocyanin pigment as natural food colourant in cold extruded products like pasta and string hoppers and to examine its stability. Solid-liquid extraction method was canied out with two different types of solvents viz. ethanol: distilled water (1:1 v/v) and distilled water acidified with food grade citric acid in the range of 0.5% to 3% to recover maximum anthocyanin from the fresh flowers of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis and Clitoria ternatea. The major anthocyanins present in the extract were identified using Paper and Thin layer chromatographic profiling.EnglishNATURAL FOOD COLOURANT IN PREPARATION OF FUNCTIONALLY ENRICHED EXTRUDED PRODUCTSThesis