KASHYAP, BHARATIKUMAR, ANSHUL2019-11-012019-11-012019-10http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810133733ABSTRACT The present investigation entitled, “Effect of planting density and thinning on growth and flowering of Alstroemeria” was carried out at the Hi-tech Experimental Farm of Department of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture, Dr Yashwant Singh Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan, (HP) - 173 230 during 2017 to 2019. The experiment was laid out under protected conditions in Randomized Block Design (Factorial) with 18 treatment combinations of two cultivars i.e. ‘Capri’ and ‘Tiara’, three levels of planting density i.e. 4, 6 and 8 plants/m2 and three levels of shoot thinning i.e. 10%, 20% and 30% replicated thrice. Findings revealed that maximum number of shoots per plant (41.07), number of flowering stems (30.34), number of florets per stem (18.13), weight of rhizome cluster (829.91 g), size of rhizome (21.60 cm) and Benefit Cost ratio (2.10:1) was recorded in cv. ‘Capri’. Among different levels of planting density, 4 plants/m2 resulted in maximum number of shoots per plant (37.72), number of flowering stems per plant (30.44), stem thickness (9.21 mm), number of florets per stem (18.13), floret size (6.13 cm), duration of flowering (68.92 days), weight of cut stem (81.30 g), vase life (19.54 days), weight of rhizome cluster per plant (811.11 g), size of rhizome (25.43 cm), whereas, planting density of 8 plants/m2 resulted in minimum number of days taken to bud formation (135.28 days), number of days taken to flowering (142.24 days), maximum plant height (124.99 cm) and stem length (117.18 cm). Shoot thinning of 30% resulted in maximum number of flowering stems (25.85), stem thickness (8.23 mm), plant height (124.99 cm), length of cut stem (116.84 cm), number of florets/stem (15.96), floret size (5.89 cm), weight of cut stem (76.02 g), vase life (18.43 days) weight of rhizome cluster per plant (780.32 g), size of rhizome (21.61 cm), minimum number of days taken to bud formation (138.25 days) and number of days taken to flowering (145.38 days), while, 10% shoot thinning resulted in maximum number of shoots per plant (38.85) and flowering duration (68.25 days). The interaction effect of 4 plants/m2 with 30% shoot thinning resulted in maximum number of flowering stems (32.46), number of florets per stem (19.92), size of rhizome (28.51 cm). It can be concluded that, planting density of 4 plants/m2 with 30% shoot thinning resulted in improved vegetative and flowering parameters in alstroemeria cultivars ‘Capri’ and ‘Tiara.ennullEFFECT OF PLANTING DENSITY AND THINNING ON GROWTH AND FLOWERING OF ALSTROEMERIAThesis