Senthilkumar, SVasanthakumar, PThirumalaisamy, GSasikumar, P; et al.TANUVAS2020-08-102020-08-102015 for grinding of feed ingredients can mean a significant difference in the profitability of a feed manufacturing operation. Quantitative value of particle size analysis for ground feed material is “Modulus of Uniformity and Modulus of Fineness”. Modulus of fineness system is somewhat intricate and involves the use of expensive equipments and considerable time. Modulus of uniformity indicates the proportionate amounts of coarse, medium and fine particles in ground feed. The modulus of uniformity is expressed the coarse, medium and fine particles.enVeterinary ScienceANALYSIS OF FEED PARTICLE FINENESSInternational Journal of Science, Environment and TechnologyArticle