Dr. K.B. VEDAMURTHYDRAVIT MANGAL2017-05-172017-05-172012http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810011344Dairying has become an important secondary source of income for millions of rural families and has assumed a most important role in providing employment and generating income. Indian Dairying is unique in more than one ways. It ranks first with its 305 million cattle & 200 million buffaloes accounting for about 51 percent of Asia’s and about 19 per cent of world’s bovine population. It also ranks first in milk production with a production of 121.8 million tones in 2010-2011enAgri Business ManagementStudyTO STUDY THE MARKET POTENTIAL OF HIGH –TECH MILKING PARLOUR SYSTEM/ MILKING SYSTEM IN GUJARATThesis