Trivedi, J. C.Naik, Bharat C.2018-06-142018-06-141991 is an important agro based industry which plays a predominant role in the economy of rural India and rank second in raw silk production. The President of Surat Jilla Panchayat is taking much interest in sericulture from 1982-83, and introduced mulberry plantation in Surat district for raw silk production. At present nine districts of Gujarat State adopted sericulture with the help of Central Silk Board, Bangalore. So the scientific adoption of the mulberry cultivation and silkworm rearing practices is important. Therefore the present study entitled "A study on the adoption of recommended mulberry cultivation and silkworm rearing practices by the farmers of Surat and Bharuch Districts of Gujarat State was undertaken with the following specific objectives. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY 1. Tb study the personal, socio-economic and psychological characteristics of the sericulturists. 2. To determine the source of information utilized by the sericulturistsenExtension Education, AgricultureA StudyA STUDY ON THE ADOPTION OF RECOMMENDED MULBERRY CULTIVATION AND SILKWORM REARING PRACTICES BY THE FARMERS OF SURAT AND BHARUCH DISTRICTS OF GUJARAT STATEThesis