Dr. B. A. GolakiyaMs. Thakkar Jalpa R.2017-06-132017-06-132011-05http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810019834Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) is an important crop and has a growing reputation and is now cultivated globally. It is a valuable member of the human diet in Asia, especially in India, which is a primary diversity center of the species. India is the second in Asia in terms of brinjal production. This crop showed a high level of morphological diversity which results in confusion about its systematic and this diversity is at the level of genera, species and cultivars. The aims of the studies reported in this thesis were to characterize brinjal genotypes with different morphological biochemical and molecular tools. To reveal characterization among ten brinjal genotypes, different morphological characters were recorded like 6 quantitative characters and 15 qualitative characters. In that, the highest plant height was observed in GOB-1, the highest number of branches was observed in KS-331, while lowest was observed in JBR-3-16. The highest fruit length was observed in Pb-Sadabahar, while genotype JBOB-04-04 was found with lowest fruit girth, lowest plant height, highest plant spread and acute leaf blade tip angle, while genotypes JBR-2-11, Pb-Sadabahar and KS-331 were observed with violet corolla. In case of growth habit, JBCOB-06-08 and GOB-1 were having semi spreading, while JBR-3-16 was found with long petiole length and oval fruits. Genotype GBL-1 was found with petiole spikes and ABR-02-23 was found with very weak leaf blade lobing. In case of JBGR-1, it was found with highest fruit girth, lowest fruit length, oval shaped, green fruits and having the spikes in its fruit cap. For the biochemical markers, the isoenzymes like peroxidase, esterase, polyphenol oxidase and superoxide dismutase and protein profiling were used to know the electrophoretic banding patterns of ten different brinjal genotypes by NATIVE-PAGE. A total of 8 alleles were generated by peroxidase isozymes at 9 DAG. Relative mobility was varied between 0.052-0.44 with 37.5% polymorphism. The total 6 bands of esterase isozymes were observed having 0.208-0.406 relative mobility with 13.71% polymorphism. In case of polyphenol oxidase isozymes, total 9 bands were observed having relative mobility of 0.182-0.913 with 66.6% polymorphism. Total 6 bands of superoxide dismutase isozymes were observed having relative mobility between 0.176-0.891 with 66% polymorphism, while protein profiling showed relative mobility of total 7 bands in the range of 0.272 to 0.965 with 71% polymorphism. Combined analysis of isoenzymes and protein profiling were performed. It revealed that the genotype JBR-2-11 showed highest variability with other genotypes. This was also obtained by peroxidase isoenzyme and in combined isoenzymes studies. The RAPD, ISSR and SSR marker system were applied to the brinjal genotypes. For the RAPD data, an r value of 0.868 was obtained which was in the better scale. Dendrogram constructed using the RAPD data clearly distinguished all genotypes. It revealed that JBOB-04-04 and Pb-Sadabahar found in one cluster and shared maximum 77% similarity; however, genotype GOB-1 have out grouped from other 9 genotypes and shared minimum 56% similarity. In case of ISSR data, an r value of 0.871 was obtained which was in the good scale. Jaccard’s similarity coefficient ranged from 0.680 and 0.930. The ISSR results indicated that maximum similarity 92.8% was found between Pb-Sadabahar and JBGR-1, while minimum similarity 56.5% was obtained between GOB-1 and GBL-1. For the SSR data, r value of 0.911was obtained which was in the best scale and Jaccard’s similarity coefficient ranged from 0.636 to 1.000. So SSR data revealed that JBOB-04-04 showed maximum variability compared to other nine genotypes. The combined RAPD, ISSR and SSR analysis revealed that out of ten genotypes JBOB-04-04 and GOB-1 were showed maximum (83.3%) similarity. The lowest similarity of 63% was found between GBL-1 and GOB-1. The GOB-1 genotype has oblong fruit shape with blackish purple colour and also found highest in plant height. This genotype was found alone in most clustering pattern with other 9 genotypes. It was evident from present study that isoenzymes and molecular markers were proficient to distinguish ten brinjal genotypes.enbiotechnology“Characterization of Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) Genotypes through Biochemical and Molecular Markers”Thesis