L MANJUNATHSANGAMESH, P. SAJJAN2019-05-252019-05-252007-08-29TH8690http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810104607Youlh arc the most potent segment of the population of the country. The youth of today are the hopes of tomorrow. They are the backbone of the country. The Socio-economic development and prosperity of rural areas depends to a considerable extent, on the type of youth living in rural areas, because the rural youth have abilities to orient themselves to go along the main stream of the development process. Hence, the study was conducted in Bagalkot during 2005-06. Two taluks were selected namely Badanii (rainfed) and Jamakhandi (irrigated) from which eight villages were selected by random sampling method, from these villages, fifteen respondents were selected. Thus, total sample size was 120. Both in rainfed and irrigated tracts, majority of the respondents had favourable attitude, towards agriculture (63.33% and 66.66 %). Majority of the respondents had medium level of aspirations towards better living in rainfed and irrigated tracts (66.66% and 69.99%) Majority of the respondents in rainfed tract had high level of education (60.00%) and medium nuclear family (51.66%), medium annual income (54.99%), small land holdings (45.00%) and low extension participation (46.32%). Whereas in irrigated tract, majority of the respondents had high level of education (82.00%), joint family (53.33%), medium annual income (58.33%), semi medium land holding (38.33%) and high extension participation (83.31%)ennullA COMPARATIVE PROFILE ANALYSIS OF RURAL YOUTH IN RAINFED AND IRRIGATED TRACTS OF BAGALKOT DISTRICTThesis