Rakesh PandeyRamesh Kumar2023-12-112023-12-112023-08-09Ramesh Kumar {2023},Characterization of Polygalacturonase-Inhibiting Protein (PGIP) Gene in Mungbean and Their Expression in Bruchid Resistant Wild Ricebean, M.Sc. (Ag.), Banda University of Agriculture and Technology, Banda U.P. 210001 Indiahttps://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810202543Mungbean [Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek] is an important short duration grain legume. The huge demand for mungbean around the world creates a substantial export potential. Pulse beetles (Callosobruchus spp.) are a key issue of concern among the several threats that limit the production of mungbean, particularly in storage conditions. An investigation was carried out to analyze the polygalacturonase inhibiting protein (PGIP) gene family in mungbean and their possible role in bruchid resistance. One highly resistant wild ricebean genotype from Vigna umbellata (PRR 2008-2) and one susceptible cultivar from V. radiata (Shikha) were selected for the study. The PGIP proteins were tracked from the genome-wide data of mungbean (V. radiata) available at Legume Information System database. RNA extraction and cDNA synthesis were done. Based on analysis and functional annotation, the suitable candidates were selected and used for primer designing. The qRT- PCR analysis was carried out using a Real-Time PCR machine with standard PCR conditioning. 41 VrPGIP genes were identified throughout mungbean genome. All the genes were randomly distributed over the chromosomes. All the 41 VrPGIP genes were grouped into 06 major clades. All the VrPGIP had single exon except VrPGIP37. All the genes comprised of Glyco_Hydro_18 domain. Four candidate genes VrPGIP 17, VePGIP 18. VrPGIP 21 and VrPGIP 23 were significantly up-regulated in the PRR 2008-2 (Highly Resistant). These genes may be utilized in the development of resistant varieties against pulse beetle in future breeding programme.EnglishCharacterization of Polygalacturonase-Inhibiting Protein (PGIP) Gene in Mungbean and Their Expression in Bruchid Resistant Wild RicebeanThesis