C.A.AgasimaniSomashekhar S.Mutnal2016-10-132016-10-132006http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/80515Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad during kharif and rabi seasons of 2005-06 to study the efficiency of herbicides in groundnut- wheat cropping system. There were 7 treatment combinations in each crop and experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with three replications. In kharif groundnut weed control treatments differed significantly. The treatment butachlor @ 1.5 kg/ha PE + 2 IC at 30 and 40 DAS + 1 HW at 45 DAS in kharif groundnut and in rabi wheat triasulfuron @ 15 g/ha at 20 DAS recorded significantly lower weed population and weed dry weight next only to weed free check. In groundnut application of butachlor @ 1.5 kg /ha PE + 2 IC at 30 and 40 DAS + 1 HW at 45 DAS resulted in highest pod yield (2353 kg /ha) and was on par with pretilachlor @ 1.5 kg /ha PE + 2 IC at 30 and 40 DAS + 1 HW at 45 DAS, alachlor @ 1.5 kg /ha PE + 2 IC at 30 and 40 DAS + 1 HW at 45 DAS and weed free check. The higher pod yield over weed free check is due to suppressing weed seed germination and seedling development at early stages due to the effect of pre-emergent herbicides. In wheat application of triasulfuron @ 15 g /ha at 20 DAS resulted higher grain yield (3028 kg /ha) but was on par with weed free check (3182 kg /ha). In groundnut maximum net income of Rs.20150 /ha and benefit cost ratio of 1:1.20 was obtained with butachlor, whereas in case of wheat triasulfuron recorded maximum net return of Rs. 15996/ha and benefit cost ratio of 1:1.47.Studies on efficiency of herbicides in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) – wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cropping systemThesis