Rajeshwari, Y.B.Krishnamoorthy, U.Jayashankar, M.R.Chandrapal Singh, K.Satyanarayan, K.Anil Kumar Ganga Reddi2016-10-272016-10-272011-06-15http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/82399PG ThesisThe present study was conducted to know the effect of feeding different energy levels on the kindling performance in rabbits for three kindlings. Twelve rabbits of comparable body weights were randomly allocated to three dietary treatment groups of four rabbit in each group. Control (2500 Kcal of DE/Kg of diet and this group served as the control), T1 (diet containing 2250 Kcal of DE/Kg of diet by restricting 10% of feed offered) and T2 (diet containing 2000 Kcal of DE/Kg of diet restricting 20% of feed offered) respectively. Control diet with 2500 Kcal DE/Kg diet had significant difference (P <0.05) for litter size at birth (5, 4 and 3.5) & at weaning (4, 3 and 2) and no significant difference (P<0.05) for litter weight at birth (47±3.04, 47±2.45 and 40±2.74). Weaning weights in Control (421±22.65), T1 (396±24.27) and T2 (295±24.26) were significantly different (P<0.05) compared to control group. Average daily and weekly body weight gain (g) of does was not significant (P<0.05) and bunnies body weight gain observed significantly (P<0.05). Average feed intake of control (108±0.99), T1 (96±0.84) and T2 (86±0.81) differ significantly (P<0.05) in all treatment groups compare to control. High energy feed influenced the reproductive parameters like growth, kindling and lactation. Hence, High energy diet containing 2500 Kcal of DE/Kg of diet was optimal to obtain satisfactory kindling performance in rabbits.enmillets, intercropping, yields, crops, planting, maize, sowing, area, leaf area, planting equipmentEffect of Feeding Different Energy Levels on the Kindling Performance in RabbitsThesis