Kharb, PusphaRajesh Kumar2016-11-102016-11-102011 the present investigation attempts were made to develop an efficient protocol for in vitro plant regeneration in Medicago sativa L. Initiation of callus formation from hypocotyl explants was observed within 13-15 days of culture. Initiation of callus formation from cotyledons explants was observed within 13-15 days of culture. Maximum callus formation was obtained in R3 medium containing MS basal + NAA (1.0 mg/l) + Kinetin (0.3 mg/l). Maximum number of shoots was obtained in R12 medium containing MS basal + NAA (1.0 mg/l) and Kinetin (0.5mg/l). MS basal medium was used for roots induction, roots were observed after 14 days with very good quality.In media R2 (MS basal + NAA 0.1mg/l + 2 IP 1.0 mg/l) and R8 (MS basal +NAA 2.0 mg/l), when shoots were left little longer rooting occurred. After transplantation, 73.3% plants survived and these plants looked normal with no morphological changes in leaf structure and plant type.Thus in the present study, regeneration protocol in Medicago sativa L variety T9 has been developed using hypocotyls and cotyledon explants.enPlanting, Regeneration, Lucerne, Vegetative propagation, Biological phenomena, Medicago sativa, Biological development, Auxins, Tissue culture, Embryonic developmentTissue culture studies in Alfalfa (Medicago sativa Linn.)Thesis