Kang, Tejpreet KaurManpreet Kaur2017-06-172017-06-172016http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810021174The investigation entitled ‘Effect of Value Orientation on Environmental Ethics of Rural and Urban Adolescents’ aimed to assess the effect of value orientation on environmental ethics of rural and urban adolescents. The study was based on a sample of 200 adolescents (i.e. 100 rural and 100 urban) in the age range of 14-16 years. The sample was randomly drawn from four Senior Secondary Schools purposively selected from rural as well as urban areas of Kapurthala district. Self structured questionnaire was administered to collect information on social and personal characteristics of the adolescents. Personal Values Questionnaire by Sherry and Verma (2010) and Environmental Ethics Scale by Taj (2011) were used to assess value orientation and environmental ethics of the respondents respectively. Results revealed significant gender differences in value orientation of respondents. Females were scoring better than their male counterparts. Significant locale differences existed between social, democratic, economic, power and health values among rural and urban girls. In case of boys significant locale differences were found in social, democratic, power and health values. Significant gender difference existed in rural boys and girls whereas non-significant differences were seen in case of urban boys and girls. In environmental ethics gender differences in mean scores of rural boys and girls were found to be significant whereas among urban boys and urban girls these differences were non-significant. Religious, democratic and family prestige values had made a positive and significant contribution in the environmental ethics of respondents.ennullEffect of value orientation on environmental ethics of rural and urban adolescentsThesis