Valentina Claudet, PSanjeevi, ThiyagarajanAzhahianambi, P; et al.TANUVAS2020-03-042020-03-042020-02 cell count (SCC) is an important trait indicating udder health and quality of milk. Proteolytic enzymes like pepsin, elastase are released from somatic cells, lead to cleavage of β-casein into a seven amino acid peptide, beta-casomorphin-7 (BCM-7). BCM-7 is structurally similar to morphine and exerts morphine like effect in the consumers. BCM-7 levels and somatic cell counts were analyzed in milk samples (n= 100)collected from cattle of different β-casein genotypes (A1/A1, A1/A2, A2/A2). The results showed positive correlation (R= 0.51) between SCC and BCM-7 level and 26% (R2 = 0.26) variance in the BCM-7 level was explained by SCC. To confirm the role of SCC in BCM-7 level, somatic cells were isolated from milk and different numbers (10000, 25000, 50000, 100k and 200k) of somatic cells were incubated with A1/A2 β– casein (100ng/μl) and the levels of BCM–7 was estimated using a commercial ELISA kit. Positive correlation (R= 0.87) was obtained between the SCC and BCM-7 level indicating the cleavage of β-casein in to BCM-7 as was hypothesized. SCC in cow milk explains 77% (R2 = 0.77) variance in the BCM-7 concentration. These preliminary results indicated the impact of SCC on BCM-7 level and cow milk quality.enVeterinary SciencePositive correlation between Somatic Cell Count and Beta – Casomorphin 7 level in cow milkNational Symposium on Veterinary Research Priorities in Translational Animal Health, Production and Food SafetyPresentation