Patil, B VSuresh, A2019-08-222019-08-222001No. of references 126"Studies on cotton pink bolhvorm, Pectinophora gossypiellaiSaundtvs) (Lepidoptera : Gelechiidae) were undertalcen at the Department of AgricuUural Entomology, College of Agriculture and Regional Research Station, Raichur during 2000-2001 to assess seasonal activity ol' pink bollworni based on male molh catches in delta sex pheronione traps, incidence on tlowers, green bolls and open locules, diapausing pattern, larval parasitoids and effectiveness of different management tactics for suppression of pink bolhvorm on cotton. Monitoring of P.gossypiella moths through delta pheromone traps from April, 2000 to May, 2001 showed its activity thoughout the year with peaks from July 2000 to March, 2001. Maximum and minimum temperature had negative and significant influence, relative humidity (morning and afternoon) had negative and non-significant innuence on the trap catches while, incidence on tlowers, green bolls and locules was significant and positively correlated with trap catches. The pink bollworm incidence on cotton tlowers was maximum during December, January and i^ebruary months while on the green bolls and open bolls it was in January and February months in RPP (Recommended Package of Practices) cotton plot. PBW undergoes facultative diapause under Raichur condition and diapause duration ranged from 60-116 days. Four larval endoparasitoids viz., Bracon greeni, Apanteles angaleti, Aleiodes sp. and Colesia sp. were found to parasitise the larvae oi P. gossypiella. Maximum parasitisation of PBW larvae was noticed by Bracon greeni. Superior control of PBW was achieved in extended synthetic pyrethroid sprayed plot and mass trapping plots. Whereas, maximum mean incidence was observed in RPP cotton plots. Accordingly highest seed cotton yield of 23 q/ha was obtained in extended synthetic pyrethroid sprayed plot which was on par with mass trapping plot with 22.70 q/ha of seed cotton."ennullSEASONAL ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT OF COTTON PINK BOLLWORM, Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae)Thesis