Shailaja, HittalmaniUDAY, G2016-11-112016-11-112013-07-15Th-10481 is a staple food crop which provides calorific needs of millions of people in Asian countries. Due to resilient climatic changes rainfall has been very erratic, unseasonal and disease outbreaks are dynamic. Considering drought and leaf blast disease as the major production constraints, the research was undertaken to detect quantitative trait loci (QTLs) controlling the drought tolerance and leaf blast resistance. A mapping population of 281 RILs derived from HPR-14 (Drought tolerant and blast resistance) and BPT-5204 (Agronomically superior variety) were screened in two replications for drought tolerance at UAS Bengaluru and for leaf blast response at disease hot spot, ARS Ponnampet in kharif 2012. RIL No. 616, 861 and 2386 transgressed their parents and checks (Rasi and MAS 946-1) under aerobic and moisture stress condition. Out of 281 RILs, 38 RILs were found to be resistant to leaf blast infection. A SSR linkage map covering 1159 cM of rice was constructed using 112 polymorphic markers. Composite interval mapping of QTLs with LOD ≥ 2.4 revealed 54 QTLs linked to plant phenology, yield related traits and drought traits under aerobic and moisture stress condition. A genomic region identified on chromosome 3 harboured QTL (R2=7.10%) for grain yield under moisture stress condition. The genomic region flanked by RM 5626-RM282 and RM271-RM304 marker intervals on chromosome 3 and 10 identified for yield water use efficiency that colocated with QTLs associated with yield per day and per cent spikelet fertility under moisture stress conditions. Three independent QTLs were detected for leaf blast on chromosomes 4 and 12. The novel QTLs explained relatively high phenotypic variance for grain yield traits, drought contributing traits and leaf blast resistance which can be deployed for pyramiding QTLs to improve rice varities for durable drought tolerance and broad spectrum resistance against the leaf blast fungus.enyields, developmental stages, grain, planting, rice, biological phenomena, genetics, weather hazards, chromosomes, phenotypesIDENTIFICATION OF QTLs CONTROLLING DROUGHT TOLERANCE, YIELD TRAITS AND BLAST RESISTANCE IN RICE (Oryza sativa L.) RECOMBINANT INBRED LINES (RILs)Thesis