DEVARAJA, KASHWIN RAJ, R2023-01-142023-01-142022-12-20Th-13433 field experiment entitled “Studies on strip cropping with conservation furrows on soil moisture dynamics, growth and yield of different crops” was conducted during Kharif 2021 at All India Coordinated Research Project for Dryland Agriculture, Gandhi Krishi Vignana Kendra, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore to know the effect of strip cropping with conservation furrows on soil moisture dynamics, growth and yield of different crops. The experiment was laid out in split plot design with two main plot treatments (T1- with conservation furrow and T2- without conservation furrow; Furrows opened at 45 DAS), five sub plot treatments (C1: finger millet + cowpea, C2: finger millet +horse gram, C3: finger millet + field bean, C4: finger millet + rice bean and C5: finger millet + niger) and replicated thrice. The results of the study clearly indicating that treatment with conservation furrow recorded significantly higher moisture content (16.82%) with enhanced infiltration rate (4.37cm hr-1). Among different subplot treatments, the strip crop combination finger millet + cowpea conserved more moisture (16.1%). Similarly, finger millet + cowpea wit conservation furrow recorded significantly higher finger millet plant height (105.84 cm), number of tillers (5.43) and leaf area index (3.62) ultimately resulted in higher grain yield (2479 kg ha-1), straw yield (3770 kg ha-1) and finger millet equivalent yield (3962kg ha-1) compared to other crop combinations. Whereas, finger millet + horse gram with conservation furrow recorded significantly higher B:C ratio (2.79) due to less cost of cultivation of horse gram.EnglishSTUDIES ON STRIP CROPPING WITH CONSERVATION FURROWS ON SOIL MOISTURE DYNAMICS, GROWTH AND YIELD OF DIFFERENT CROPSThesis