H. N. SATTIGlG. S. CHANDRASHEKAR2019-06-102019-06-102006-12-30TH-8309http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810107869Studies conducted to evaluate the role of honey bees on seed production of radish was carried out at Marewada village nearer to University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad during rabi season of 2004-05. Total of 16 insect species were recorded as pollinator fauna of radish amongst which Apis florea F. was the predominant pollinator constituting 42.20 per cent of the total followed by A. cerana P. (27.60%), A. dorsata F. (14.62%) and other pollinators (15.57%). Foraging activity of different honey bee species varied however, peak foraging activity of A. florea, A. cerana and A. dorsata were observed at 1000 hr to 1400 hr. Whereas, other pollinators were active at 0600 hr to 1000 hr and 1600 hr to 1600 hr of the day. Spraying of cacambe (10%) and jaggery solution (10%) had enticed more number of pollinators and thereby enhancing the number of seeds per siliqua (7.40 seeds/siliqua Vs 4.00 and 3.00 seeds/siliqua in crop without any spray and caged plot without bees, respectively).ennullROLE OF HONEY BEES ON SEED PRODUCTION OF RADISHThesis