Viresh Rokhade, A KHiremath2019-07-092019-07-092004No. of references 56"The studies on dehydration of vegetabels, viz., bitter gourd, bhendi, curry leaf and palak to standardise the pre-treatments and drying methods was conducted in the Department of Post-harvest Technology, Kittur Rani Channamma College of Horticulture, Arabhavi during the year 2003-2004. The bitter gourd slices treated with three per cent salt + 0.1 per cent KMS for one hour and dried in electric drier had maximum recovery of 12.133 per cent with rehydration ratio of 6.223, total chlorophyll content of 19.241 mg per 100 g and non-enzymatic browning (OD value) of 0.350. The organoleptic scores (out of 5.0) for fried bitter gourd slices were 4.25 for colour and appearance, texture and overall acceptability and 4.30 for taste. Good quality dehydrated bhendi were obtained by blanching in water containing NaHCOa (0.5%) for two minutes and drying in electric drier or under shade. The recovery of dehydrated slices was 8.233 per cent with rehydration ratio of 6.133 and OD value of 0.243 for nonen2ymatic browning. The organoleptic evaluation of rehydrated bhendi slices scored 4.25 for colour and appearance, 4.00 for texture and 4.25 for overall acceptability. Dehydrated curry leaf was obtained by pre-treatment with six per cent brine containing 0.1 per cent KMS for one hour and dr>'ing in an electric drier with recovery of 11.367 per cent, rehydration ratio of 4.750 and with chlorophyll retention of 131.16 mg per 100 g. The organoleptic scores for curry leaf powder were 4.067 for colour and appearance, 4.253 for texture, 4.250 for flavour and 4.167 for overall acceptability. The palak leaves treated with six per cent brine containing 0.1 per cent KMS and dried in electric drier was found superior with highest recovery of 9.317 per cent, chlorophyll content of 544.37 mg per 100 g. The organoleptic scores obtained were 4.250 for colour and appearance, 4.330 for texture and 4.416 for overall acceptability."ennullSTUDIES ON DEHYDRATION OF VEGETABLESThesis