Dr. S.H. AkbariPIYUSH JADAV2017-02-282017-02-282014http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810002967Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) is a fruit used mainly as a vegetable both in fresh as well as in processed forms. Lycopene, an important carotenoid in tomatoes is responsible for the red colour in tomatoes. The antioxidant capability of lycopene has led to promising results in decreasing the risk of some illnesses and diseases. Tomatoes are processed for the production of many useful food items such as juice, paste, puree, catsup, sauce, etc. Tomato pomace is the main by-product of such processing and does not have high economic utilization at present. The tomato processing waste (pomace) having peel, some pulp and seed has a high amount of lycopene and hence, is considered to be the potential raw material for production of natural lycopene. However, the pomace is a high moisture by-product and therefore, it is require to dry it appropriately for preservation and then used for lycopene extraction.enFood Processing Technology, Bio EnergystudyUSE OF SUPERCRITICAL CO2 EXTRACTED CAROTENOIDS FROM TOMATO POMACE IN SELECTED FOOD PRODUCTSThesis