DESAI, B. B.MORE, PANDIT VITTH2017-12-152017-12-151991 redox state of cytochrome c_ oxidase during in situ respiration of seventeen promising sugarcane cultivars was monitored by examining the reaction of this enzyme with carbon monoxide, as expressed by production of nitrite during aerobic assay of in_ vivo nitrate reductase. All the seventeen sugarcane cultivars thus tested were found to be completely sensitive to CO, indicating thereby that the cytochrome a-, in these cultivars was in a highly reduced state during the steady state respiration. The salt stress induced by two sodium salts, viz., NaCl, Na 2 S0 4 and the equimolar mixture of NaCl and Na 2 S0 4 decreased the nitrate reductase activity, more pronounced decrease being observed by Na2So4 than either by NaCl alone o r it s combinatio n wit h Na 2 S0 4 ,Th e sal t stres s als o decrease d th e reducin g an d non-reducin g sugar s an d chlorophyl l an d potassiu m content , bu t increase d th e prolin e conten t o f sugarcan e leaves „ Amongs t th e fou r sugarcan e cultivar s studied , Co-752 7 ha d th e highes t nitrat e reductas e activit y unde r stresse d conditions , an d coul d retai n maximu m i n viv o NR activit y unde r th e stresse d condition, . O n th e basi s o f increas e i n accumulatio n o f prolin e i n leave s an d retentio n o f chlorophyl l content , th e cultiva r Co-41 9 appeare d t o b e mor e sal t toleran t tha n th e othe r cultivar s o f sugarcane o Th e increase d respons e o f thes e cultivar s t o carbo n monoxid e du e t o sal t stres s coul d possibl y b e du e t o decrease d mitochondria l respiration, .ennullSCREENIN G O F SUGARCAN E (Saccharu m officinara m L. ) CULTIVAR S FO R CARBO N MONOXID E SENSITIVIT Y AN D NITRAT E REDUCTAS E ACTIVIT Y UNDE R SAL T STRES S CONDITION SThesis