NITHYALAKSHMI, V.PRAKASH, S PTANUVASSUJATHA, G.MARX NIRMAL, R.2024-01-022024-01-022022 developing countries like India, dairying is an important sector of integrated farming, through which milk reckoning a important part of livestock gross domestic product (GDP). Dairy and milk are essential part in the rural and national economics by catering food and proper earning for rural farmers. Milk is a nutritious food produced by the mammary glands of mammals which contains essential nutrients. The ideal temperature range for the growth of microorganism is 20°C to 40°C. If the milk is kept at the ambient temperature, the bacterial load will grow rapidly and results in undesirable quality changes. Hence, itis necessary to chill the milk to 4°C immediately after milking to avoid spoilage due to proliferation of microorganism.EnglishDESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF PORTABLE MILK COOLING SYSTEM USING PELTIER EFFECTThesis