Dr. C. P. DesaiPrajapati Jignesh2019-07-172019-07-172017http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810115183The development of new technology is not a major problem now-a-days in most of developing countries, but the main problems which exist today are diffusion and adoption of these technologies by the farmers. The area under sugarcane crop is being increased day by day as the scientists of SAUs have been continuously investigating new high yielding varieties of sugarcane crop as well as new package of practices and technologies to produce better yield of this crop. These scientific packages of practices are recommended to achieve higher production in sugarcane crop. The desired target of production can only be achieved when majority of farmers are motivated to adopt the recommended sugarcane cultivation practices.en-USnullSOCIO-TECHNO-ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES OF IMPROVED SUGARCANE CULTIVATION IN VADODARA DISTRICT OF GUJARATThesis