Dushyanthan, KarmegamNarendra Babu, RavindranSuresh, VasanthiRobinson, J.J. AbrahamTANUVAS2018-03-312018-03-312015-12http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810042783TNV_JAR_2015_5(4)885-893The objective of this study was to assess the effect of different binders like wheat flour, soy flour), whole egg and liquid whey under packaging methods like Aerobic and Vacuum packaging on the structure, physico-chemical, microbial and sensory qualities of low value meat incorporated buffalo meat sausages under frozen storage (–18oC). Sausages incorporated with LW had better organoleptic qualities and good shelf life However, those incorporated with WF had the best structural properties and acceptability even under ordinary packaging method. With respect to packaging methods, aerobically packed sausages revealed lowest shear force values, total viable count and anaerobic count. Sausages packed under vacuum recorded the highest pH, odour, appearance, juiciness, tenderness and overall acceptability scores, lowest Thiobarbituric Acid Number and yeast and mould count.enVeterinary ScienceStructure and Quality of Low Value Carabeef Sausages at Frozen StorageJournal of Animal ResearchArticle