KRISHNA, T. V.MUBARAK A SALI2023-05-082023-05-082023-02-24Th-13606 hundred forty seven cowpea germplasm accessions were evaluated in Bengaluru, Pavagada and Mandya locations in α- lattice design to assess variability and Genotype Environment interaction in summer 2022. High heritability with high GAM was observed for plant height, primary branches per plant, pods per plant, average pod length, average seeds per pod and average grain yield per plant at all three locations. K- means clustering method was used to classify 147 genotypes, as a result 12 clusters were identified. Cluster 8 was largest with 22 genotypes and cluster 7 was smallest with four genotypes. Cluster 7 and cluster 6 had highest inter cluster distance and genotypes belonging to these clusters can be used as parents for further crop improvement programme. Additive Main effects and Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI) model was used to detect and characterize genotype × environment interaction (GEI). GGE bi-plot was used to visually interpret GEI patterns of genotypes. Based on mean vs. stability pattern, genotypes KBC-2, IC-237422 and EC-170574- 6 were found to be highly stable with high mean grain yield per plant. Based on ‘which won- where’ pattern for average grain yield per plant, genotypes IC-402159 and CB-1024 were better in Bengaluru, and Pavagada location and genotypes IC-458492, NBC-51 and EC-472252 were better in Mandya location. Based on ASV, genotypes EC-458483, EC-394708, NBC-18 were found to be stable across three locations. Based on SI, genotypes IC-198355(45), EC-472271, EC-394708 were found stable with high mean grain yield per plant.EnglishCHARACTERIZATION OF GERMPLASM FOR YIELD AND IT’S ASSOCIATED TRAITS IN COWPEA [Vigna unguiculata (L.) WalpThesis