Dr. D. K. VaruGOJIYA BIPIN KARSHANBHAIGOJIYA BIPIN KARSHANBHAI2023-12-142023-12-142021-09https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810202951The field experiment entitled “Effect of different spacing and row system on marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) cv. Local was carried out during September 2020 to February 2021. The experiment was laid out in Factorial Randomized Block Design comprising with two factor and control. Factor A has six spacing which are 30 X 30 X 60 cm (S1), 30 X 45 X 60 cm (S2), 30 X 45 X 90 cm (S3), 45 X 50 X 90 cm (S4), 50 X 50 X 100 cm (S5) and 50 X 60 X 100 cm (S6). Factor B has two row system (M1), which was paired row and triple row system (M1). The result of experiment revealed that among the spacing, the spacing of 30 X 30 X 60 cm (S1) was recorded maximum plant height, fresh weight of plant, survival percentage, day to 50 percent flowering, flower yield per plot, flower yield per hectare and vase life of flower. Dry weight of plant and flower yield per plant was recorded maximum in spacing of 45 X 50 X 90 cm (S4) Spacing 50 X 60 X 100 cm (S6) was recorded maximum in number of branches per plant, plant spread and number of flower per plant. Among the row system, paired row system recorded highest flower yield per plant, flower yield per hectare as well as vase life of flower and triple row was recorded in highest flower yield per plot. The treatment combination of spacing 30 X 30 X 60 cm with triple row (S1M2) was recorded maximum fresh weight of plant, dry weight of plant, 50 percent flowering, flower yield per plot and flower yield per hectare. Whereas, spacing 30 X 30 X 60 cm with double row (S1M1) has recorded maximum survival percentage and vase life of flower. Rest of treatment recorded maximum as compare to control in plant height, number of branches per plant, plant spread, dry weight of plant, flower yield per plot and flower yield per hectare. The worked out economic revealed that the maximum B:C ratio was obtained in the spacing of 30 X 30 X 60 cm with double row (S1M1). On the basis of result obtained in the present investigation, it is concluded that the planting of paired row system with spacing of 30 X 30 X 60 cm in marigold cv. Local gave highest yield of flower, early flowering and higher net realizatioEnglishEFFECT OF DIFFERENT SPACING AND ROW SYSTEM ON MARIGOLD (Tagetes erecta L.) CV. LOCAL 3344Thesis