Dr. Hemant DadhichRAJIV RATHI2022-05-132022-05-132020https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810184706The present investigation was carried out from June 2019 to November 2019. During this period a total number of 432 samples of intestine were examined from cattle calves of different age groups, breeds and sex. Out of these 138 samples showing gross lesions were collected and tissue sections from these were subjected to histopathological examination. An overall occurrence of various pathological conditions affecting the intestine of cattle calves were observed as 31.94 per cent. The various forms of affections were classified as Acute catarrhal enteritis 15.21 per cent, Chronic catarrhal enteritis 4.30 per cent, Haemorrhagic enteritis 5.70 per cent, Necrotic enteritis 2.10 per cent, Necrohaemorrhagic enteritis 1.44 per cent, Supurative/Purulant enteritis 0.72 per cent, Parasitic enteritis 3.60 per cent, Eosinophilic enteritis 1.44 per cent, Haemorrhage 14.49 per cent, Congestion 23.18 per cent, Edema 0.72 per cent, Atrophy 18.11 per cent, Fibrinoid changes 1.44 per cent, Necrosis 1.44 per cent, Paratuberculosis 1.44 per cent, Lipoma 0.72 per cent, Nonspecific inflammatory conditions (granulomatous type) 0.72 per cent, Lymphoid hyperplasia 0.72 per cent, Myositis 1.44 per cent and Perivasculitis 0.72 per cent. In bacteriological examination E. coli, salmonella and mixed growth of E. coli and salmonella were found.EnglishOCCURRENCE AND PATHOLOGY OF VARIOUS CONDITIONS OF INTESTINE WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO ENTERITIS IN CATTLE CALVES (Bos indicus) IN WESTERN REGION OF RAJASTHANThesis