JAGANNATH OLEKARKUSHALA, K.2023-01-272023-01-272023-01-20https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810192848ThesisThe present investigation on chrysanthemum cultivation used primary data on various aspects of the cost incurred, yield, and returns from chrysanthemum cultivation, collected from 60 farmers comprising of 30 each, cultivating chrysanthemum under protected and open field condition. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and cost and returns analysis. Per acre annual cost of cultivation of chrysanthemum was found to be Rs. 263170 and Rs. 919243, with net returns of Rs. 69402 and Rs. 522120 realized under open and protected cultivation, respectively. Investment in protected cultivation was more profitable as revealed by higher returns realized per rupee of investment under protected cultivation (1.57) than open field cultivation (1.26). Production function analysis revealed that there exists scope to increase planting materials, application of FYM and fertilizer, while the use of human labour needs to be reduced from their existing level under both the methods of cultivation. Among the various factors considered to be influencing the adoption of protected cultivation in chrysanthemum, size of land holding, education, access to extension service, non-farm income, and amount borrowed by farmers were found to be significant. Colour, followed by appearance and shelf life were the major attributes of the loose chrysanthemum, while, appearance followed by colour and stalk length were preferred attributes of cut flower chrysanthemum according to consumers.EnglishAN ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF CHRYSANTHEMUM CULTIVATION UNDER PROTECTED AND OPEN FIELD CONDITION IN EASTERN DRY ZONE OF KARNATAKAThesis