B. S. MEENASRUTHI C. O.2023-12-042023-12-042022https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810202130Dairy farming forms the major part of livelihood of farmers in Haryana though knowledge gaps regarding scientific dairy farming practices prevailed which led to low productive and reproductive performance in dairy animals. As an initiative to address these issues faced by the farmers, ICAR-NDRI established a one-year programme named as “Farmers Farm School” under the efforts of Dairy Extension Division. Hence, the study was undertaken in the four villages where Farmers Farm School has completed its five batches in Indri block of Karnal district, Haryana to assess the contribution made by farmers farm school in fostering transformative learning experience among the beneficiaries, to study the knowledge and adoption of dairy farming practices and to document the feedback of farmers and experts regarding Farmers Farm School. The total sample size was 120. A Transformative Learning Experience Index was developed. Transformative learning experience together as a combination of ten indicators attained a weighted mean of 85.23 per cent by the beneficiary farmers with major contribution from satisfaction-farmer (89.79%) followed by “self-reflection environment”, “action- farmer” and “actionenvironment” was observed with a weighted mean score of 87.99, 87.92 and 87.22 per cent, respectively. More than half (53.33%) of the farmers succeeded in achieving high transformative learning experience after completion of the course. Active participation and involvement led to the same. Farmers in new batches were found to have comparatively low transformative learning experience. Overall knowledge about scientific dairy farming practices possessed by the beneficiary farmers was significantly (p < 0.01) higher than the non-beneficiaries and thus in the case of adoption also. The extent of knowledge observed from the beneficiaries was 84.02 per cent whereas in contrast to the non-beneficiaries with a weighted mean of 49.25 per cent. The extent of adoption in beneficiaries was found to be 73.61 per cent whereas it was 40.06 per cent in non-beneficiaries. A mean score of 9.08 was given to the role played by the facilitators in sharing knowledge on various strata of dairy farming followed by a score of 9.02 for updating the knowledge in dairy and crop farming. A mean score of 9.60 was given for importance of farmers farm school in the present context and 9.50 for the uniqueness of farmers farm school compared to other extension approaches. It can be inferred that feedback along with follow up measures should be practiced at regular intervals to improve the effectiveness of beneficiaries to achieve the goal set by farmers farm school.EnglishIMPACT OF FARMERS FARM SCHOOL ON DAIRY FARMING IN KARNAL DISTRICTThesis