S. H. TALEKARHARSHITH B. H.2021-07-092021-07-092019-08https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810170317The present clinical study was conducted on 12 dogs suffering from cataract presented to Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh during the study period. The present clinical work was carried out to study management of cataracts by phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation in dogs. Cataracts are the most common cause of treatable visual deficits and blindness in dogs. Phacoemulsification has become an art of surgical procedure for the management of cataract surgery. Out of the 12 dogs, 6 were implanted with acrylic, the foldable intra ocular lens of power +41 D followed by phacoemulsification and another 6 cases were left aphakic after phacoemulsification. Out of 12 selected cases, a higher incidence of cataract was observed in Spitz (42 %) followed by German shepherds (25 %), Mongrels (17 %), and Labrador retriever (8 %) and Cocker spaniel (8 %). Incidence of cataract was found equal in both males (50 %) and females (50 %). High incidence cataract was seen age group > 7 years in eight cases (67 %), 1 - 7 years three cases (25 %), and less than one case (8 %) out of 12 dogs. On the basis of maturation of cataract, four cases of immature (33 %), five cases of mature (42 %) and three cases of hypermature (25 %) cataracts were observed, and senility was found as the major cause of cataract (75 %). Prior to the surgery, all dogs were subjected to detailed ophthalmic examination and routine clinical, hematological and serum biochemical analysis and found parameters were in the normal range indicating animals were tolerable to anesthetic and surgical stress. Intra-operative complications observed in 8 out of 12 cases in which three cases showed prolonged phaco-time due to the hard nucleus, two cases showed intra operative miosis, one case showed hemorrhage from the iris, one case miosis along with hemorrhages from iris, one case showed thermal injury by phaco-hand piece and one case showed idiopathic chemosis. A post-operative evaluation was done on day 15 and day 30. On the day 15, transient corneal edema observed in four cases, corneal opacity in two cases and each one case of transient corneal edema along with ecchymosis of bulbar conjunctiva and lens dislocation with corneal edema observed. Tear production and random blood glucose were within the normal range but intra-ocular pressure decreased in five cases indicating uveitis, whereas no corneal ulcerations were seen in any of the cases. On day 30, lens dislocation was seen in one case and persistent corneal opacity in one case in Group- I (Phacoemulsification & IOL implantation), while residual lens material and posterior capsular opacification observed in Group- II (Phacoemulsification & Aphakia). In all the 12 cases, intra-ocular pressure and random blood glucose were found within normal range and no cases of uveitis or glaucoma were encountered. On day 30, surgical outcome was observed good in three cases (50 %), fair in one case (17 %) and failure in one case (33 %) out of six cases in Group- I and while in group- II, surgical outcome was observed good in three case (50 %), fair in two case (33 %) and failure in one case (17 %) out of six cases. Visual outcome was observed good in three cases (50 %), fair in one case (17 %) and failure in two cases (33 %) out of six cases in Group- I and while in group- II visual outcome was observed fair in five cases (83 %) and failure in one case (17 %) out of six cases. There was no significant difference found in intra-ocular pressure, Schirmer’s tear test and random blood glucose within the group on day 0, day 15 and day 30 and between the groups on the same day.EnglishSURGICAL MANAGEMENT OF CATARACT BY PHACOEMULSIFICATION AND INTRAOCULAR LENS IMPLANTATION IN DOGS 2936Thesis