Naik, RAGHAVENDRA K.JAGADEESHA, S.LKUKANOOR, LAXMANATHANI, S.IJHOLGIKAR, PRAVEENHULAGUR, JAGADEESH KUMAR, K.2018-07-122018-07-122011-08UHSB investigation wan carried out on Standanli/ation ol drying techniques in gerbera cut fume! in Kittur Raul C hnnnnmma College ol Horticulture Arabhavi during the year 20l0-20ll {by obtaining best quality thy geibein tlowers. Data on drying ol' llowers in hot air oven had signilicant influence on dry weight. moisture loss and duration of drying. Sand embedded llowers dried at 60°C recorded minimum dry weight “.20 g) and highest moisture loss (84.67%) with better sensory scores for colour (3 (all). shape (3 83). appearance (1,75) and overall acceptability (3.75) of flowers. in an effort made to standardize drying level and time in microwave oven tor gerbera variety (JUililth. it was revealed that drying ol' llowers in microwave oven had no significant inlluence on dry weight and moisture loss of flowers. With regard to quality parameters, colour of the dried {lower was found to be uniform in all the treatments. while drying the llowers at medium level of power density for 3 minutes and then at low level for 6 minutes was found to be superior with respect to shape, appearance and over all acceptability (3.50. 3.44 and 3.5L t‘espectivel}) ot dried gerbera flowers. While comparing the different embedding media. methods of drying and their interactions. it is evident that the media and method ot‘diying had significant influence. Among the media silica gel ’as found to be superior over vermiculite and sand with respect to dry weight; moisture loss and time taken lor drying irrespective of methods of drying l‘olloned. Among drying methods. Flowers in sun drying recorded the least dry weight. Houers In men drying were associated with highest moisture loss and microwave oxen drying took the least time for drying. The results ol'the present study suggest that hot air ox en drying by embedding flowers in silica gel would result in better quality dried gerbera flowers as it scored maximum tor colour (3.72), shape (3.9l ). appearance (3.8l) and merall acceptability (3.83) followed by flowers in microwave oven drying by embedding them in silica gel medium.ennullStandardization of Drying Techniques in GerberaThesis