Bhatnagar, P.Poonia, Kapil Dev2021-12-172021-12-172018-11-14 of biofertilizers on growth and development of mango plants (Mangifera indica L.) cvs. Dashehari and KesarA field experiment entitled “Effect of biofertilizers on growth and development of mango plants (Mangifera indica L.) cvs. Dashehari and Kesar” was conducted during the October 2017 to March 2018, at the Fruit Instructional Farm, Department of Fruit Science, College of Horticulture and Forestry, Jhalawar. The experiment consisted of different treatments of biofertilizers (Azotobacter and PSB) and Vermicompost and was laid out in Randomized Block Design with three replications. Among different biofertilizers treatments application along with Vermicompost, treatment T9 comprising biofertilizers (Azotobacter 50 g/plant + PSB 50 g/plant) along with 3 kg Vermicompost per plant was found significantly superior over other treatments with respect to growth and development parameters such as per cent increase in plant height, rootstock girth, scion girth, number of shoots per plant, number of nodes per shoot, leaf width, leaf length, leaf perimeter, number of leaves per shoot, East-West and North-South spread, canopy volume and chlorophyll content (mg/g) in mango cvs. Dashehari and Kesar. It has also given better result in improving the organic carbon percentage, available N, P and K content of soil estimated in T9 treatment and was found significantly superior over other treatments. Like-wise, soil pH and electrical conductivity also reduced significantly under T9 treatment over other treatments. Overall, T9 treatment exhibited better vegetative growth and development parameters and soil health as compared to other treatments of biofertilizers.EnglishEffect of biofertilizers on growth and development of mango plants (Mangifera indica L.) cvs. Dashehari and KesarThesis