Singh, MadhumeetRana, Anchal2019-08-012019-08-012019-05-25 objective of the study was to record the incidence of sub-clincial endometritis (SCE), to compare the techniques of endometrial cytology to diagnose it and to determine the impact of SCE on the subsequent reproductive performance in postpartum dairy cows. Twenty-one postpartum dairy cows were divided into two groups viz. normal (n=16) and abnormal (retained placenta/postpartum metritis; n=5) calving. Cows belonging to abnormal calving group were administered antibiotic for 5 days. Selected cows were examined from day 14 to 42 after parturition. Samples for endometrial cytology and bacterial load estimation were collected at weekly interval from day 21 to 42 postpartum. Samples were obtained in a sequential manner, first with the cytotape (CT), then with the cytobrush (CB) followed by uterine lavage (UL). Parameters used to evaluate these methods were; presence of PMN cells (%), total cellularity, red blood cell (RBC) contamination and quality of the smears. Trans-rectal ultraonography was done from day 14 to 42 at weekly interval to study the uterine involution and to assess the onset of ovarian activity. Based upon endometrial cytology, incidence of SCE recorded was 18.75 per cent in cows calved normally and 100 per cent in cows with postpartum complications (abnormal calving). No difference was recorded between the three methods (CT, CB and UL) in per cent PMN cells recovered. All techniques provided diagnostic samples, however, CT yielded the highest quality sample. Whereas, CB and CT methods yielded similar total cellularity (P=0.3781), UL yielded significantly (P<0.01) less number of total cells than other two techniques. CT produced more intact cells than CB and UL and RBC’s contamination was found high in CB and UL techniques. Distorted cells were significantly (P<0.01) more frequent in smears by UL. Hence, CT method was found to be comparatively the best. A highly significant (P<0.05 and P<0.01) correlation was found between bacterial load and PMN cells obtained by three different techniques of endometrial cytology. First post-partum follicles were recorded on days 19.38±1.16 (n=13), 23.33±2.33 (n=3) and 21.0±2.85 (n=5) in the cows of normal calving SCE negative, normal calving SCE positive and abnormal calving SCE positive groups, respectively. Time taken for uterine involution was numerically longer in the cows with abnormal calving (32.2±1.71), as compared to normal calved cows diagnosed negative (27.46±1.24) or positive (28.0±0) for SCE, respectively. Ovarian rebound and uterine involution was delayed in SCE positive cows, however, it was non-significant (P>0.05). Overall, 44.44 and 25 per cent first service conception rate was recorded in the cows diagnosed negative or positive for SCE, respectively.ennullSUB-CLINICAL ENDOMETRITIS – DIAGNOSIS AND ITS IMPACT ON SUBSEQUENT REPRODUCTIVE PERFORMANCE IN POST PARTUM DAIRY COWSThesis