Jha, S.K.Jani, Jigar N.2017-02-082017-02-082014-05http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810000402The present investigation on “IN VITRO REGENERATION OF Psoralea corylifolia AND Tinospora cordifolia-ANTICANCEROUS AND ANTILEPROTIC PLANTS” was carried out at Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory, Department of Forest Biology and Tree Improvement, ASPEE College of Horticulture and Forestry, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari, Gujarat, India during 2012-14. In vitro regeneration protocol for P. corylifolia was established 1) from nodal and shoot tip explants 2) Direct regeneration through adventitious shoot bud formation on root explants. However for T. cordifolia, regeneration protocol from nodal segment has been established. For In vitro regeneration of P. corylifolia from nodal and shoot tip explants, the highest percent (86.70 %) of shoot bud regeneration was noticed on MS medium containing 6.98 µM Kin for nodal segment while 87.83 % shoot bud regeneration was observed for shoot tip. MS medium supplemented with 6.98 µM Kin produced maximum number of shoots (6.67 shoots/explant), shoot length (5.67 cm) and number of leaves (7.0) for nodal explants. Same treatment produced 5.67 number of shoot with average 5 cm length and 6.0 number of leaves for shoot tip explants. Large number of culture showed vitrification in both kind of culture. MS media fortified with Kin showed comparative less vitrification. Maximum hyperhydric shoots were produced by TDZ even at low concentration. Phloroglucinol reduces hyperhydricity drastically and positively increases the explants response to shoot bud induction in both types of culture. Basal MS + 6.98 µM Kin + 39.7 µM PG evinced maximum effect on shoot bud multiplication (11.67shoot/explant in nodal explants and 9.83shoot/explant in shoot tip culture). The highest percent of root induction (82.2%) was observed on half-strength MS medium fortified with 4.92 µM IBA and 158.6 µM PG within 10 days with maximum number of roots (4.5 roots/shoot) and average root length of 4.03 cm. Rooted explants successfully hardened in Soil: Vermicompost: Vermiculite (1:1:1) with 100% success For direct regeneration through adventitious shoot bud formation on root explants in Psoralea corylifolia, effect of different PGRs (Kin, BA, and NAA) on the percentage of adventitious shoot induction and the number of shoot buds per root explant was assessed. The maximum response (65.57 per cent) observed in the media supplemented with 2.22 µM BAP and 6.98 µM Kin with average 39.67 number of shoot bud and 3.37 number of elongated shoot. Elongation response was best (92.0 percent) in MS+2.22 µM BAP +6.98 µM Kin media fortified with 2.89 µM GA3 and 39.7 µM PG, producing mean 9.3 number of elongated shoot with average 4.6 cm length. Anatomical study showed that the origin of shoot bud were directly from pericycle of root. Elongated shoots were carefully excised and rooted on basal MS+4.92 µM IBA+158.6 µM PG, with 92 per cent rooting. Rooted explants successfully hardened in Soil: Vermicompost: Vermiculite (1:1:1) with 100% success In T. cordifolia, within a week of nodal explants culture, axillary bud in nodal segments sprouted in all the media investigated including basal MS media without any growth regulators. Maximum response (52.2 per cent) evinced by MS media supplemented with 6.98 µM Kin. The same media produced maximum response for multiple shoot formation out of total shoot bud sprouted fostering average 3 shoots with 3.9 cm shoot length and 4.2 number of leaves per shoot. Effect of PG also investigated. Basal MS + 6.98 µM Kin + 79.4 µM PG increased shoot bud induction from 52.2 per cent to 84.8 per cent and multiple shoot production per cent from 12.9 to as high as 60.3 percent and also supported maximum number of shoot per explants (7.5). The same treatment promoted highest axillary shoot proliferation in terms of shoot length (3.9 cm) and number of leaves per shoot (4.3). Maximum rooting response observed in ½ MS medium supplemented with 7.4 µM IBA and 793.7 µM PG with 81.1 % responding cultures, took just 8.7 days to sprout and produced maximum number of roots (3.2) with an average length (3.1 cm). Rooted explants successfully hardened in Soil: Vermicompost: Vermiculite (1:1:1) with 100% success.en<h1>Unable to Generate Tags iari inventory details.xlsx</h4>IN VITRO REGENERATION OF Psoralea corylifolia AND Tinospora cordifolia- ANTICANCEROUS AND ANTILEPROTIC PLANTSThesis