Dr. R. S. GuptaSapkale Rucha R.2017-05-102017-05-102011http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810010900A growth experiment of 84 days (12 weeks) duration was carried out on twelve Patanwadi lambs to study the effect of feeding jowar hay and jowar hay + groundnut haulm based TMR. The lambs under control group (T1) were fed jowar hay based TMR whereas the lambs under treatment group (T2) were fed jowar hay + groundnut haulm based TMR. The nutrient requirements of lambs in term of DCP and TDN were met as per ICAR (1998) feeding standards. The results revealed significant (P<0.05) treatment differencesenAnimal NutritionStudyEFFECT OF FEEDING JOWAR HAY AND GROUNDNUT HAULM BASED TOTAL MIXED RATION (TMR) ON GROWTH AND NUTRIENT UTILIZATION OF LAMBSThesis