Rajamanickam, KLeela, VLoganathasamy, KLatha, Bhaskaran RaviBalagangatharathilagar, MTANUVAS2020-07-212020-07-212018http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810149554TNV_TH_MVM 16054_2018Anaemia is an imperative clinical sign of many systemic, infectious and parasitic diseases. Evaluating the cause and type of anaemia will provide adequate information about patho-physiology of diseases. Anaemia is one of the mandatory clinical manifestations of tick borne diseases. Canine babesiosis is a tick borne hemoprotozoan parasitic disease caused by apicomplexan parasites of the genera Babesia, which is characterized by haemolytic anaemia, jaundice, lethargy,pyrexia and haemoglobinurea. Pathogenesis of anaemia in canine babesiosis has a potential role in determining the prognosis of the disease. As the affected animals mainly suffer from haemolytic anaemia, there will be alterations in their systemic iron level. Hepcidin, being a systemic regulator of iron level in the body system its concentration may be altered during this condition and it can further aggravate the disease progression. Based on this hypothesis, a study was conducted to assess the haematobiochemical status haemostatic alterations, oxidative stress,changes in the level of hepcidin and to identify the blood prognostic markers in the affected animals.enVeterinary ScienceHAEMOSTATIC, HAEMATOBIOCHEMICAL AND ANTIOXIDANT PROFILING AS PROGNOSTIC MARKERS IN CANINE BABESIOSISThesis