JAYANAIKM. ANANDHI2024-01-092024-01-092022https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810206016Three biological trials were carried out at the Department of Poultry Science, Veterinary College, Hebbal, Bangalore to study the effect in ovo and early chick feeding of nano trace minerals viz. nano zinc, nano copper and nano chromium on broiler performance. Early chick feeding was done with commercial diet, diet with nano zinc (40 mg/kg), nano copper (8 mg/kg) and nano chromium (0.5 mg/kg); in ovo feeding with 0.5 ml of normal saline, 40, 12 and 0.5 μg/egg of nano zinc, nano copper and nano chromium, respectively into the amniotic fluid of 18 days old embryos and both in ovo and early chick feeding with same level of nutrients described above. In each trial, after hatching, 240 day old straight run broiler chicks were allocated into five treatment groups each consisting of four replicates with twelve chicks each and all birds were fed as per NRC (1994). The results revealed that in ovo feeding of nano trace minerals significantly (P≤0.05) improved serum total protein, globulin, intestinal histomorphometry, lymphoid organs weight and increased antibody titers against NDV and IBDV. Early chick feeding or in ovo followed by early chick feeding of nano trace minerals significantly (P≤0.05) improved over all body weight, feed efficiency, serum total protein, globulin, intestinal histomorphometry, intestinal and lymphoid organs weight and increased antibody titers against NDV and IBDV. In ovo and early chick feeding of nano zinc improved the production performance and nano chromium improved the serum biochemistry and immune response than other trace mineralsEnglishIN-OVO AND EARLY CHICK FEEDING OF NANO TRACE MINERALS ON PERFORMANCE OF BROILER CHICKENThesis