Bino Sundar, STSivagnanam, SRavi Latha, BhaskaranTANUVAS2020-01-072020-01-072019-12 parasites viz,  ukes (Fasciola gigantica), tapeworms (Moniezia sp.), round worms (Parascaris equorum, Toxocara canis, Setaria digitata) and Cysticercus tenuicollis cysts were subjected to silicone resin plastination. Formalinized specimens were brie y pre-cooled at 4ºC for 24 h followed by alcohol dehydration, silicone resin impregnation and curing. Plastinated helminths were sturdy and retained the natural colour. Handling of plastinated specimens was easy with aesthetic superiority compared to conventional formalin preserved specimens. The technique was found to be effective in preserving helminth parasites.enVeterinary ScienceSilicone Resin Plastination of Helminth Parasites for PreservationIndian Veterinary JournalArticle