Kamal, VattaUdeshna Talukdar2017-07-202017-07-202013http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810025756The present study was conducted to examine the economics of value addition and to estimate the extent of employment generation through value addition activities of FAPRO (Farm Produce Promotion Society). The study was based on both primary and secondary data. The secondary data were collected from audit reports and accounts maintained by the organization. The primary data were also collected from 40 turmeric growers and 10 beekeepers who were the members of FAPRO. Apart from the economics of cultivation at the farm level, the data were also collected on various activities being undertaken by FAPRO. The processing of turmeric gave net profits of Rs 2838/q with the resulting benefit-cost ratio of 1:1.31. The processing of honey gave net profits of Rs 4310/q with the benefit-cost ratio of 1:1.32. The capacity utilization of FAPRO was very low at 4.67 per cent for turmeric and 3.50 per cent for honey processing. Approximately 2300 man days of employment was generated at the FAPRO premises for processing of turmeric and honey. In addition, turmeric cultivation generated the demand for 33 man days per acre for its cultivation. A colony of 100 boxes also resulted into 162 man days of labour requirement. The lack of modern machines and equipment, under-utilization of installed capacity and problems of marketing were the major constraints of FAPRO. Improvement in the quality, increased expenditure on advertisement and publicity, improved packaging and increase in capacity utilization are necessary for improving the economic performance of FAPRO in future.ennullAN ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF FARM PRODUCE PROMOTION SOCIETY (FAPRO)-A CASE STUDYThesis