Balda, ShantiPriyanka2019-02-142019-02-142018 refers to person's beliefs about his or her worth and value. Self-esteem is important because it influences individual's decisions. Achievement motivation is described as the need for performing well or the motivated for success and evidence by persistence or effort in the facing the difficulties. Academic performance as well as achievement both is the outcomes of education and the extent from which a student, teacher and the institution has accomplished their educational goals. The present study examines the relationship between self-esteem, achievement motivation and academic performance of high school children. The study was conducted in Hisar city and rural area of Hisar district. Total sample constituted of 240 adolescents, 120 from rural area and 120 from urban area, representing both the sexes in equal number. Self-prepared interview schedule was used to collect information on personal and socio-economic variables. Self- Esteem Inventory (Prasad and Thakur, 1977) was used to assess self-esteem of children. Rao‟s Achievement Motivation Test (Rao, 1974) was used to assess achievement motivation of children. For academic performance, percentage of marks secured in previous three examinations was obtained from school records. The results revealed that maximum percentage of high school children belonged to moderate category of personally perceived and socially perceived self-esteem. Irrespective of area of residence and sex of children, self-esteem of majority of high school children was high followed by negative and balanced. Majority of children had moderate level of achievement motivation. Majority of children from both the areas belonged to above average category of academic performance. There existed significant positive correlations between self-esteem (personally perceived and socially perceived) and achievement motivation and academic performance of children. Children with balanced and high self-esteem had high achievement motivation and performed better in academics than those with negative self-esteem. Results further revealed that socio-economic status of family was strong predictor of self-esteem and achievement motivation of children.ennullSelf-esteem, achievement motivation and academic performance of high school childrenThesis